"United States Census, 1940," database with images, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VRRG-Z66 : accessed 24 October 2016), James D Wright, Reedsport, East Reedsport Election Precinct, Douglas, Oregon, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 10-23, sheet 3B, family 76, Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940, NARA digital publication T627. Records of the Bureau of the Census, 1790 - 2007, RG 29. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 2012, roll 3360.

Text from source:

Name Relationship Code Sex Color Age Marital Status Attended school Highest grade Code Birthplace Code Citizenship 1935 City 1935 County 1935 State 1935 farm? Code Pay Work? Emergency Work? Seeking Work? Job? Home, sch, ...? Code Hours Unemployed length Occupation Industry Worker class Code Weeks 1939 Salary 1939
James D. Wright Head M W 40 M No 8 England same house Y 40 Edgerman Sawmill PW 52 2160 N
Hazel Wright Wife F W 30 M No H-1 Washington same house N N No No H N
Leslie Wright Son M W 14 S Yes 8 Oregon same house Y 20 News boy Paper delivery OA 26 60 Y
Phyllis Wright Daughter F W 10 S Yes 4 Oregon same house
Lois A. Wright Daughter F W 6 S Yes 0 Oregon same house